Vashty Dansereau BScKIN, Master B.E.S.T. Practitioner

Owner of Om Triquetra- Gathering Space Outside of Calgary

Co-Facilitator and Manager of the Homeschool Pod and Homeschool Programs


Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique Practitioner

Crystal Sound Bowl Practitioner

Community Leader

Women Circle Leader

Community Event Leader

Rehabilitation Specialist/Personal Trainer

Workshop/Retreat Leader

Homesteader and Land Keeper of our family land in Delacour AB

Vashty’s journey in health care started over 20 years ago. At 10years old, she was a St John First Aid Bargaid Member in her hometown of Prince George BC. This is were the deep interest of the human body started. Moving through her teenage years, the mission to understand the industry of injury, rehabilitation, chronic pain and quality of life began. Volunteering at local physiotherapy clinics, and learning everything she could, she decided to go the human kinetic route at the local college. After her rugby career ended with a diagnosis of detaching retina, she stayed in Prince George, going to school, working as a physiotherapy assistant and personal trainer. Staying in Prince George lead her to met her now husband.

Vashty and her husband moved to Cranbrook BC, to pursue an opportunity. She then continued her studies in Human Kinetics at the College of the Rockies. She acquired a position with the College as the Student Athletic Therapist for the Women and Men’s Volleyball Teams. During her time she was mentored by the Men’s Volleyball coach, which lead her to be accepted into Kinesiology at University of Calgary.

In Calgary Vashty completed her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, worked as a first aid responder for the university of Calgary recreation sports teams, World Health Club Personal Trainer, Lifemark Health Therapist in Chronic Pain, Acute and Brain Injury, started down the self health education and retreats/workshops, and then leading her into owning her own Wellness Centre.

During her time as an owner of a centre, Vashty was exposed more about the spiritual healing realms, energy bodies and the community in Calgary. It was at this time, Vashty was introduced to Dr. MT Morter Jr. In 2011, Vashty began her studies in the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.). Over the next few years, Vashty studied under Dr. MT Morter Jr, his three children and all the master instructors that Dr. Morter taught. This also gave Vashty the opportunity to travel around the United States, Europe and Canada to learn and get certified as a Master Practitioner and Animal B.E.S.T. practitioner.

After traveling for B.E.S.T. and personal adventures with her husband, Vashty took a few years break, while moving into motherhood. During this time, Vashty still worked throughout her pregnancies and postpartum. The transition from baby #1 and #2, she took a deep dive into women circles, community and sisterhood. During the next seven years, Vashty and her family moved onto a 22 acre property in Delacour AB. This time has been deep learning into permaculture, homesteading, children education, importance of community, and sisterhood. In Delacour, Vashty created Om Triquetra- sacred space of gathering, and Homeschool Nature Pod. She has also stepped into leading women circles, community gatherings, and Practicing Kinesiology/B.E.S.T. in individual and group sessions. Vashty is known for holding space, taking care of her clients, and creating special experiences in community.